Pest Control Trowbridge

Local pest controllers in Trowbridge

Trowbridge Pest Control

Pestforce Trowbridge

Franchise Owner: Ash Bintcliffe & Don Lancashire

Contact Mobile: 01225 285 091

Contact Mobile: Text Ashley Now 07792 823 321

Contact Email:

Welcome to Pestforce Pest Control Trowbridge. 

Proudly serving Trowbridge, Frome, Westbury, Warminster and surrounding areas nearby. 

We are a local pest control company who pride themselves on providing bespoke, effective and reliable pest control services to both residential and commercial properties.

Keeping Trowbridge Pest-Free!

Rest Assured:

  • Fully Trained and Experienced 
  • DBS Checked and carries ID
  • BPCA and CEPA Member
  • Humane Attitude.
  • Fully Insured to the value of £5 million
  • FREE Callouts available for some enquiries 

Pest Controller awarded Best Customer Experience 2023

Fully accredited and qualified pest controller…
British Pest Control Association Member CEPA Certified Professional Pest Management CHAS Accredited Contractor Royal Society for Public Health Think Wildlife - Campaign for Responsible Rodenticide Use

Opening Times:

We are available for phone consultation and new bookings: Monday - Friday between 7:30AM - 17:30PM.

Over the weekends, please text, email or leave a voicemail any new queries. 

Award Winning Pest Control

So if you are experiencing any trouble with any form of pest, big or small, call Trowbridge pest control experts Pestforce today on 01225 285 091 and ask to speak to Ashley.

Pest Control Services in Trowbridge

We offer a full and speedy service every time, so you can always just call us if you are worried about a pest problem. 

Pest control for a wide range of pests, including:

  • Rats
  • Mice
  • Wasps, bees and nests
  • Squirrels
  • Birds, including pigeon rehoming
  • Moles
  • Foxes
  • Bed bugs
  • Spiders
  • Cockroaches
  • Ants
  • Silverfish
  • Moths
  • Plus many more. If in doubt, seek us out.

Some of the pest control services we undertake including the following:

Residential pest control. This includes pests in your home, in your garden, in an outhouse or shed, your loft, attic or basement, or anywhere in or around the home. If it is causing you trouble in your home, you can count on us to remove the problem.

Commercial pest control. The last thing you need is pests in your place of business, scaring customers away and making working conditions less salubrious for your employees. With our help, your commercial premises can be kept completely clear of any pests or evidence of pests, helping to keep your business strong. Whether you run a medical practice, retail store, office, restaurant or takeaway business, we are here to help.

If you are having trouble with a pest problem, and you are in need of only the best quality pest control in Trowbridge, don’t hesitate to call Pestforce on 01225 285 091 and speak with Ashley about your needs and requirements. We are always more than happy to chat.

Trowbridge Rat Control

One of the most common pests seen across Trowbridge is the rat. Nobody wants to see a rat in their home or garden, or in their business premises, and if you do see one you will want to have it dealt with as soon as possible. With that, our Trowbridge rat control experts can help.

If a rat infestation is left untreated, it can lead to some unhealthy conditions in the home or office. Rats are known to carry diseases, and if you are concerned about keeping things as safe and healthy as possible you definitely need to get rid of them pronto.

With our help, you won’t have to worry about rats continuing to bother you. If you think you might have a rat problem in your home or place of business, call our Trowbridge rat control team today on 01225 285 091 to discuss your options.

Trowbridge Mice Control

Although they might look a little cuter than rats, and they are certainly smaller, it’s still not a great sign when you start to see mice in your home.

Our Trowbridge mice control team are used to dealing with mice infestations, as they are one of the most common of all, and you can trust us to deal with them safely and effectively for you too. One of the first signs you might see could be droppings, or you might hear the mice moving around and nesting in the night. Perhaps you have even seen one - if so, it’s important to remember that it is almost certainly not just the one, and that the sooner the problem is dealt with, the better.

With that in mind, be sure to contact our Trowbridge mice control team on 01225 285 091 to have the problem dealt with as soon as possible.

Trowbridge Wasp Nest Removal 

It can be genuinely frightening when you discover you have wasps in your home. Many of us have had run-ins with these blighters, and it rarely ends up good. The good news is that our Trowbridge wasp control and wasp nest removal experts are here to help, no matter how severe the problem.

If you have wasps, you will want to make sure that they are being dealt with soon and in a safe and effective manner, otherwise you could have them get out of control.

You should not aim to deal with wasps yourself, no matter how confident you might feel, for it can be a genuinely dangerous thing to do. Instead, be sure to get in touch with our Trowbridge wasp control team on 01225 285 091, who will be more than happy to arrange to remove any wasps and their nests safely and quickly.

Trowbridge Bee Relocation

Although most people would be less concerned and frightened about bees than wasps, the fact remains that they are still a big problem, especially if you let them get out of control.

Our Trowbridge bee control and bee’s nest removal team are well adept at rehoming bees safely and humanely, and they should be your first port of call in such a case.

As with wasps, you should not attempt to remove the bees or rehome their nest yourself, for the risk of injury is still high if they feel attacked. Instead, call our Trowbridge bee control services in 01225 285 091 to discuss your problem and find out more about our rehoming services.

Trowbridge Squirrel Control

Squirrels are a well-loved and often adorable animal, but that doesn’t mean you want them invading your space. In fact, once they get into your home or garden, they can be one of the most frustrating pests out there, and will often require swift removal.

But you want to know that they are being dealt with safely and humanely, which is why you’ll want to call Pestforce Trowbridge to deal with any squirrels you might have in your premises. Whatever you think of squirrels, you need to have them dealt with soon. If you think you might have a problem with squirrels in your garden or home, or even in your office or place of business, it’s best to act now to stop them taking over the space.

With that in mind, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our Trowbridge squirrel control team on 01225 285 091 today.

Trowbridge Bird Control 

Birds are a common pest problem all across Trowbridge. Once you have birds nesting in your home or outhouse, you will need immediate Trowbridge bird control help to deal with them as soon as possible.

If left alone, those birds could nest in some hard to access places and become much more of a nuisance than they already are. And if you have pigeons roosting in your attic or outhouse, you will need to ensure that they can’t come back again in the future. Not only will we ethically remove the pigeons or birds from your home - we’ll also proof your home, to ensure the same problem doesn’t crop up again.

For Trowbridge bird control and pigeon proofing, call Pestforce on 01225 285 091.

Trowbridge Bed Bug Control

People often think of bed bugs as a thing of the past, but the truth is that bed bug control in Trowbridge is as important as ever. They are certainly an unpleasant problem to have, and one that will always require swift and immediate action.

One of the first signs that you have bed bugs will be itches and rashes on the skin, so if you have those, you should call us out to check whether you do indeed have an infestation.

If you do, we will be more than happy to completely eradicate them from your home. For peace of mind in this matter, please call Trowbridge bed bug control experts Pestforce on 01225 285 091.

Trowbridge Cockroach Control

They might say that cockroaches would survive even a nuclear war, but that doesn’t stop our Trowbridge cockroach control team from effectively removing them from your home.

In fact, these bugs are easier to deal with than many people assume, and we are perfectly able to fix this particular pest problem in your home or place of business.

If you are like most people, the mere sight of a cockroach will give you the chills - especially as you know that seeing one implies there are many more hidden somewhere. Don’t let this interrupt your daily life or cause you to lose sleep - just call us on 01225 285 091 today and use our top of the range Trowbridge cockroach control services.

Trowbridge Flea Control

As we saw with bed bugs earlier, some pests will cause you to get itchy and even give you visible bumps on the skin. It could also be fleas, which can be a real nuisance to get rid of.

Our Trowbridge flea control team deals with fleas every day, however, and are perfectly skilled at completely clearing any space of fleas. You might first notice them on your pet, or on your sheets and linen. Wherever you see them, you will need them to be dealt with as soon as possible, before they get really out of control.

However, no matter how advanced your flea problem is, we can always help. Just call our flea control team in Trowbridge on 01225 285 091 and ask for Ashley today.

Other Trowbridge Pest Services

That amounts to most of the pests that we provide pest control for, but not all of them. In fact, we can help you with any pests that you might discover in your home or commercial premises.

Some other common pests we are experienced in providing pest control for in Trowbridge include:

  • Ants
  • Moles
  • Hornets
  • Spiders
  • Moths
  • Silverfish
  • Cluster Flies
  • Rabbits
  • Woodworm
  • + more.

Truly, if you are in doubt as to whether we can help with a particular or specific pest problem, just ask us. Chances are, it’s a pest we have dealt with before.

Whatever your pest problem might be, please don’t hesitate to give your local Pestforce pest control team in Trowbridge a call today on 01225 285 091. We are always delighted to talk to you about possible solutions for your pest control issues, and you will find our team extremely friendly and professional to deal with and talk to. We will have your pest control problem dealt with in no time.

Recent Jobs

Rat Infestation in Kitchen - Pestforce Trowbridge - 4th July 2024

Pestforce Trowbridge was recently called after a customer found a rat eating from their dog's food bowl. Pestforce Trowbridge was able to visit the next day and established that a fault in the sewerage was allowing the rats to burrow out of the inspection chamber and into the footing of the kitchen wall beneath the sink. From here, they were able to climb over the kickboards and help themselves to the food on offer. A treatment was put in place the same day utilizing traps, and within the first week, three rats had been caught. On visit two, proofing work was carried out to the inspection chamber to prevent more rats from gaining access, and traps were left in place to counter any rats that may have been trapped in the property when proofing was completed. By the third visit, the traps remained clear, and no more activity had been seen. Job done!

Ants in garage near Trowbridge - May 2024

Pestforce Pest Control Trowbridge was contacted by a commercial customer after staff spotted numerous ants inside the workshop of their garage. Pestforce Pest Control Trowbridge attended the property and conducted a full survey of both the internal and external areas. An insecticidal treatment was agreed upon and implemented, with careful selection of the appropriate insecticide for the area, following all relevant health and safety practices. After a two-visit external and internal treatment, the workshop no longer had their tiny visitors, and the area could be safely used again.

Return customer in Trowbridge with mice in loft - January 2024

Pestforce pest control Trowbridge was contacted by a return customer after hearing little scratching noises from the loft at night. Pestforce pest control Trowbridge identified a family of mice had moved in for the winter. A 3-visit trapping treatment was carried out. After 2 weeks the mice were no longer. During the initial inspection, 2 damaged air vents were identified as the ingress route into the house. Once the mice were gone, proofing was carried out to the air vents. The customer was very pleased with the service again!!

Rats below ground floor bedroom at Trowbridge HMO- December 2023

Pestforce pest control Trowbridge was contacted by a landlord after one of their tenants reported scratching noises from below their bedroom flooring. Pestforce pest control Trowbridge attended and confirmed an infestation of rats accessing below the property. A 3 visit, highly efficient, rodenticide treatment was agreed upon. It was identified that the rats had exploited a hole leading below the house and burrowed down to foundation level. Recommendations were given on how to proof the ingress point; this was carried out after all the rats were cleared after the 2-week treatment. 

Ants in workshop in Trowbridge - November 2023

Pestforce Trowbridge were contacted by a commercial customer after staff had spotted lots of ants inside the workshop of their garage. We attended the property and conducted a full survey of the internal and external areas. An insecticidal treatment was agreed upon and implemented. Due to this being a place of the appropriate insecticide for the area was carefully selected. Following all relevant health and safety practises. After a two visit external and internal treatment the workshop no longer had their tiny visitors and the area could be safely used again. 

Rats in a loft in Trowbridge home - October 2023

Pestforce pest control Trowbridge was contacted by a customer retiring from holiday and hearing scurrying noises each night. Pestforce pest control Trowbridge attended and confirmed an infestation of rats had taken up residence within the loft. A 3 visit, highly efficient, rodenticide treatment was agreed upon and implemented. A vulnerability within the sewer had been allowing the rats to access the foundations of the home and access the loft via the cavity walls. After 2 weeks the rats were no more and a rat flap was fitted to prevent any other rats accessing the vulnerability in the sewer pipe work. The customer was very happy with the service provided. 

Hornets nest treated at house in Trowbridge - August 2023

Pestforce pest control Trowbridge was contacted by a customer after their child had been stung by, what they thought was a wasp. Pestforce pest control Trowbridge attended and identified an active hornet's nest in the loft space directly above the child rooms. The nest was treated with an appropriate insecticide and safety precautions given to the customer. After 2-3 hours all the hornet activity had stopped, and the customer no longer had to worry about her children or themselves being stung. 

Wasp nest treated at house in Trowbridge - August 2023

Pestforce pest control Trowbridge was contacted by a customer after their pet dog had been stung by a wasp, and large number of wasps seen in the garden. Pestforce pest control Trowbridge attended and quickly identified an active wasps nest in a compost bin in the garden. Using appropriate ppe and insecticide the nest was treated. Within an hour the wasps activity had stopped. The customer was very pleased with the service and the dog could freely access the garden again. 

Clothes moth control at Trowbridge hole- August 2023

Pestforce pest control Trowbridge was contacted by a customer after noticing missing patches in their carpets and smell holes in their clothing. Pestforce pest control Trowbridge attended and carried out a free survey. A full infestation of clothes moth was identified. A two-visit insecticidal spray treatment was agreed upon. After 6 weeks the moth issue was no more. The customer had followed all the recommendations which had helped to make the treatment as successful as it was. 

Wasps nest treated in Trowbridge - July 2023

Pestforce pest control Trowbridge was contacted by a local church after noticing many wasps going in and out beneath the roof tiles of the church. We attended and identified the species were indeed wasps. The nest was treated with appropriate insecticide and after a couple of hours the wasps were no more. The church was very happy as they had a group of school children attending the following day. 

Wasps nest treated and removed in Trowbridge - July 2023

Pestforce Pest Control Trowbridge were contacted by a customer after noticing many wasps going in and out of their garden shed. Due to the health and safety risks associated with wasp stings, we attended the same day. The shed was surveyed and highlighted an active wasp's nest on the roof of the internal part of the shed. Taking all relevant precautions and using PPE, the nest was treated, removed, and safely disposed of. The customer was very happy and relieved, and they could again freely use their garden shed. 

Professional moth control in Trowbridge - June 2023

Pestforce Pest Control Trowbridge was contacted by a customer after failed attempts at treating a carpet moth issue non-professionally within their home. We attended, surveyed the whole property, and compiled a free no obligation quote. The customer was happy to go ahead with the 2-visit treatment over a 5-week period. After the 1st visit there was marked difference in moth activity and after the 2nd visit the moth problem, that has been ongoing for some time, was now gone. The customer was very happy with the results. 

Wasps entering via air brick in Trowbridge – 15/04/2023

Pestforce Pest Control Trowbridge was contacted by a customer after seeing several wasps enter and exit an air brick at the front of their home. We attended and confirmed an active wasp's nest. This did not appear very active at present due to the time of year, however the nest would have grown larger in number as the wasps become more active into spring/summer. Due to the customers concerns around an allergy to wasp stings, the nest was safely treated using an insecticide dust applied directly into the nest. Safety recommendations were given to the customer to minimise the risk of being stung until the nest became inactive.

Cluster fly treatment for bedroom in Trowbridge - 2nd April 2023

Pestforce Pest Control Trowbridge were called after a customer they began to experience many flies in their bedroom. We attended and established a cluster fly infestation within the property bedded within the loft. We were able to action a treatment that day and by the evening all the flys had been dealt with leaving the customer free to relax in their home. 

Mole control to protect lawns in Trowbridge - 1st March 2023

Pestforce pest control Trowbridge were contacted by a customer after seeing numerous areas of excavated soil on their newly laid grass. We attended and quickly determined an infestation of moles had taken up home in the back garden. A highly efficient trapping treatment was agreed upon and implemented. After only several days 2 pesky moles had been dispatched. The traps were left in place for a further week to ensure the issue was resolved. The customer was very relieved and could tend to their lawn again. 

Rats entering home through damaged pipe in the sewer - 27th January 2023

Pestforce pest control Trowbridge were contacted by a customer after hearing scratching noises from their loft space. We attended and carried out a full survey. The noisy residents were identified as rats. A three-visit treatment was agreed upon to clear the infestation. Further investigation highlighted that the rats had entered the home via some damaged pipe work in the sewer. Once the pesky rats had been cleared, repairs were carried out to the sewer system. Whilst at the customers home, they highlighted another pest issue, an established carpet moth infestation. We surveyed and identified numerous areas of damage to carpets and clothing. A quote was compiled for the customer, and a 2 visit highly efficient insecticide treatment was agreed upon and carried out over a 6-week period. The customer was very happy with the service provided and were finally rat and moth free. 

Overrun with rats in Trowbridge - 8th January 2023

Pestforce Trowbridge were contacted recently by a customer after their house had become overrun with rats. We visited and established that the sewer run off the main inspection chamber had been damaged most likely during building work. This damage had allowed the rats to exit the sewer and make their way up through the wall cavities. We arranged a drain survey and established a treatment plan which allowed for repairs to be made alongside the treatment to ensure no rodents were inadvertently trapped into the property. 

Click to see more recent jobs.

Mole hill chaos in Trowbridge - 29th December 2022

Pestforce pest control Trowbridge were contacted by a customer after seeing large mounds of earth in her newly laid rear garden turf. We attended and confirmed a pesky mole was causing all the damage. A highly effective trapping treatment was implemented and after 2 weeks the offending mole had been dispatched. The customer was very happy and could get back to restoring her lawn to its former glory. 

Treating a long-standing moth infestation in Trowbridge - 16th December 2022

Pestforce were contacted after suffering with a long-standing moth infestation. A short survey later it was established the infestation had spread across much of the house and monitors were placed to help identify the areas of non-activity. Once the extent of the problem was identified we were able to provide the customer with a quote and treatment plan to eradicate the problem. Once agreed treatment was put down over two visits and eight weeks on the unwelcome moths have been shown the door. 

Dog smells mice in property in Trowbridge - 10th December 2022

Pestforce Pest Control Trowbridge were contacted by a customer after her pet dog had been paying lots of interest to the kitchen kick boards, and some sweet treats had gone missing from the kitchen cupboards. We attended and carried out a thorough survey of the property. The unwanted visitors were identified as mice. A highly efficient trapping treatment, considering the safety of the customers pet dog, was implemented. After 14 days the customers mouse problem was solved. A hole around some utility pipe work was highlighted as the ingress point. Once all the mice were cleared, the hole was proofed to lower the risk of a re-infestation. The customer was very pleased with the service they received. 

Mice infestation across whole property in Trowbridge - 26th October 2022

Pestforce Pest Control Trowbridge were contacted by a customer after recently moving into their new home. They quickly realised there was already some tenants in the house, some mice. We attended and surveyed the property. There were mice in several areas of the home. Mice can easily move around once inside a property due to being able to squeeze through such tiny gaps. A trapping and rodenticide treatment was put in place to eliminate the mice. An external survey of the hole highlighted a damaged air brick that was giving easy access to the mice. After 2 weeks the mice were all clear and the customer had the air brick fixed. The customer could then enjoy his new home with just his family. 

Effective rodenticide treatment in Trowbridge - 14th October 2022

Pestforce Pest Control Trowbridge were contacted by a customer after hearing scratching noises in the ceiling of their extension, after returning home from a weekend away. We attended and carried out a survey which identified a large number of rat burrows in the garden, which were leading under the garden path and towards the house. It transpired the rats had been burrowing underneath the extension, from the garden, and going up cavity walls to the nice warm ceiling of the extension. After a 2 week highly efficient rodenticide treatment, the issue was clear and advice on who to contact to help with any proofing was given, a very pleased customer. 

Rats in cavity walls after home refurbishment work near Trowbridge - 4th October 2022

Pestforce Pest Control Trowbridge were contacted by a customer after hearing noises from within cavity walls and the loft space. We attended and identified an infestation of rats had been entering their home during refurbishment work.  During the inspection a hole around some deteriorated mortar in the sewer inspection chamber was noted, the customer reported that this was a new hole as they had recently looked in the sewer. A highly efficient rodenticide treatment, considering the customers pet dog, was implemented. After 2 weeks all rodent activity had stopped, and the customer was advised to fill the hole in the sewer inspection point as this was the ingress point into the home. 

Mice control for barn loft in Trowbridge – 29th September 2022

Pestforce Pest Control Trowbridge were contacted by a customer after hearing scratching noises from the loft of their converted barn. We attended and identified an infestation of mice in the loft. A full survey of the external parts of the barn was carried out which identified several possible ingress points. After two weeks the mice infestation was cleared using highly efficient rodenticide. Once the mice were gone the customer began proofing the outside of the barn. The customer was very pleased with the overall service provided by us.

Face to face squirrel in the loft in Trowbridge - 23rd September 2022

Customer recently contacted Pestforce Trowbridge after coming face to face with a squirrel in their loft when putting their suitcases back after the summer holiday. We carried out a survey and established a squirrel infestation had taken hold with at least four squirrels no calling the loft home. A trapping regime was put into place and over the period of two weeks the squirrels were removed from the loft. Once removed we were able to establish that one of the soffit boards had rotted through and after some proofing work the weakness was repaired. 

Wasp nest in water butt near Trowbridge - 8th September 2022

Pestforce Trowbridge were contacted after a customer noticed lots of wasps coming to and from their water butt. We attended and established that a wasp's nest had formed in a redundant water butt. The necessary risk assessments were undertaken and treatment was deemed appropriate. The nest was applied with an appropriate insecticide and removed for correct disposal. 

Holiday let needed pest control in Trowbridge - 25th August 2022

Pestforce Trowbridge were contacted by a holiday let company who had reports from guests of scratching noises beneath the floor in the kitchen. We attended very promptly and identified an infestation of rats which had been accessing the kitchen. The holiday let was free of guests for 2 weeks which enabled us to put in place a treatment using a high-performance rodenticide. Within two weeks the infestation was clear. The company were very happy, and the rats were gone before their next guests were due to stay. 

Ground wasp nest treatment after sting in Trowbridge - 14th July 2022

Pestforce Trowbridge was contacted by a customer after their son stood on a ground wasps nest whilst setting up for an end of school party in the garden. The customer was stung by a wasp as when the nest was disturbed it had aggravated them. We attended the property, carried out an environmental risk assessment and safety treated the nest. The customer was very happy and within an hour they were able to continue setting up for the party. 

Wasp nest treatment in shed in Trowbridge - 5th July 2022

A customer contacted Pestforce Trowbridge after finding an active wasp's nest in their shed when trying to get their canoes out for some summer sun. We attended and were able to deal with the nest the same day. The process took less than half an hour and the wasp nest was removed for appropriate disposal at the same time. The customer was able to get out on the River Avon that afternoon as planned. 

Squirrel control for shed in Trowbridge - 20th June 2022

Pestforce Pest Control Trowbridge were contacted recently after a customer discovered squirrels living in their shed. We attended and established this was the case and the squirrels had gained access via a missing portion of the roof. Initially the customer wanted to remove the squirrels without causing harm however this couldn't be done using capture traps as they are an invasive species and cannot be released by law. With this in mind proofing work was carried out to the shed but unfortunately the tenacity of the squirrels overcame. Due to this a dispatch trapping treatment was put in place and the infestation was removed within a week. 

Commercial ant control in Trowbridge - 30th May 2022

Pestforce Pest Control Trowbridge were contacted by a commercial customer after staff had spotted lots of ants inside the workshop of their garage. We attended the property and conducted a full survey of the internal and external areas. An insecticidal treatment was agreed upon and implemented. Due to this being a place of the appropriate insecticide for the area was carefully selected. Following all relevant health and safety practises. After a two visit external and internal treatment the workshop no longer had their tiny visitors and the area could be safely used again. 

Bad odours in your home could mean a pest problem - 18th May 2022

Pestforce Pest Control Trowbridge were contacted by a customer after they discovered a foul smell emanating from the floorboards of their kitchen. We attended the property and discovered a deceased rat. As this was a cookery school the customer was keen to eliminate the issue as soon as possible. We put in place a highly efficient rodenticide treatment, following all health and safety guidelines. After a 2-week period the infestation was cleared. It was identified that the rats were getting in via damage to some pipe work leading under the building. Proofing work was carried out and the customer was very happy with the service provided. 

Intensive professional rodent control followed by monthly pest management contract - 14th May 2022

Pestforce Pest Control Trowbridge were contacted by a commercial customer. The tenants from the block of flats they owned had made multiple reports of rat sightings around the bin store and garden area. We attended the flats and established an infestation of rats that had manifested under a utility inspection cover, via burrows. An initial treatment to clear the infestation was put in place. Taking into account potential other wildlife that may access this area, rodent specific bait boxes were used and signage put in place to make the residents of the flats aware of the treatment. After 2 weeks the infestation was clear and a monthly pest management contract was agreed upon and put in place by our team. The customer is very happy with the service provided and has peace of mind that any pest issues are now being kept under control. 

Keeping people mole free in Frome - 9th May 2022

Pestforce Pest Control Trowbridge were contacted after a customer found mole hills in their vegetable patch. We were able to attend the same day and initiate a trapping treatment. Initially it was thought to be a mild infestation due to the low levels of visible activity however over the period of four weeks, four moles were humanely dispatched and removed from the space. Now the garden is mole free and the customer can continue to grow their veg. 

Mice infestation in home in Warminster - 6th May 2022

Pestforce Pest Control Trowbridge were contacted by a customer after hearing little feet scurrying around in their loft. We offered a free survey. When the loft was inspected it was identified that a family of mice had set up camp in the loft. We put a highly efficient rodenticide treatment in place and gave advice on how to try and proof rodents out of their home. After 2 weeks all the mice were cleared, the customer was very happy with the service provided.

Silverfish treatment in kitchen in Trowbridge - 4th May 2022

Pestforce Pest Control Trowbridge were recently contacted by a customer after finding what they thought was a cockroach in their kitchen. We attended to carry out a free inspection and identified a Silver Fish infestation suspected to bedded beneath the sink where there had previously been a leak. We were able to put a treatment in place the same day which consisted of two visits. The first to safely deploy insecticide gel within specialised insect bait discs to prevent any risk to the household and the second to attend three weeks later to carry out an insecticide spray of the affected areas. Once the second visit was complete monitoring traps were left with the customer to allow them to see that the infestation had been successfully cleared. 

Loft treatment for flies in Westbury - 1st May 2022

Pestforce Pest Control Trowbridge were contacted after a customer went into their loft to have a clear out and noticed a large number of flies in the loft. We attended the customers house and conducted a full survey of the loft space and identified an infestation of cluster flies. On the advice of our team, a highly effective insecticide ULA treatment was carried out in the loft space. The treatment was complete in under an hour, and after three hours away from the treatment space, the customer was very happy with the service provided by Pestforce Pest Control Trowbridge. 

Bee relocation from local beekeeper in Trowbridge - 27th April 2022

Pestforce Pest Control Trowbridge were recently contacted by a customer who found a swarm of bees in their garden. We were able to put the customer in contact with a beekeeper who was able to come and remove the swarm and offer them a new home. During the appointment, our keen technician Donald spotted a rat burrow in the garden. After the bees were removed the customer was happy to have a treatment put in place to clear the rat infestation and two weeks on the rats have been dealt with and the customers garden is free of any burrowing pests. 

Moth control for home in Warminster - 25th April 2022

After clearing an established rat infestation at a customer's house previously. The customer contacted us again after finding a large bare patch of carpet on the upper landing of their home. We attended and established that there was a case bearing clothes moth infestation manifested on the upper landing, however this had spread down both carpeted staircases and caused damage to some of the customers clothing. We carried out an insecticide spray and an Ultra-Low Volume mist treatment to rid the home of the infestation. Moth monitoring stations were put around the home for peace of mind and so the customer could check for any potential future issues. The customer saw an instant reduction in moths and was happy with the service we had provided again. 

Birdscarer installed in Frome - 22nd April 2022

Pestforce Pest Control Trowbridge were contacted by a customer after hearing noises in their bedroom wall. We carried out a free survey to establish the cause of the issue and it established that birds were making their way into the soffit above and the noise they were making in the loft was being mistaken for the wall cavity. As no evidence of nesting was found and the presence of the birds was causing damage to the customers property stored in the loft it was decided that it was reasonable and lawful to block the vulnerability in the soffit that was allowing access. To do this we placed an audible birdscarer in the loft and left it in place for a day, combined with a visual check of the space before work was carried out, we could be sure no birds were in the loft before the hole was sealed. 

Insecticide spray and ULV treatment to control carpet moth infestation in Trowbridge - 18th April 2022

A customer contacted Pestforce Pest Control Trowbridge after finding a large bare patch of carpet in their living room and some flying insects. We attended and established that there was a carpet moth infestation manifested in the living room which had spread and caused damage to the curtains in an adjoining room. We carried out an insecticide spray and an Ultra Low Volume mist treatment and within an hour the treatment was complete. The customer saw an instant reduction in moths and was happy with the process and outcome.

Drainage pipe repair to stop rat infestation in Warminster - 12th April 2022

A customer contacted Pestforce Pest Control Trowbridge after hearing scratching emanating from their loft, which they believed to be rodents.We attended the property and conducted a survey of the loft space and external areas. We discovered damage to pipe work which was allowing access via a wall cavity into the loft space. On the advise a treatment using highly efficient rodenticide was put in place to clear the rats from the space. After three weeks the infestation was cleared and repair work had been carried out to the damaged pipe in the sewer to prevent the rats entering the property again. 

Rodent control for home in Frome - 6th April 2022

We were contacted when a customer found gnawing damage to the bottom of one of their curtains. Initially this damage was mistaken for moth activity by the customer however when we attended it was ascertained that it was infact damage caused by rodents gnawing at the base of the curtain. It was further established that access was being gained into the property via a damaged air brick which was allowing access beneath the floor. We were able to put a non-toxic treatment in place using specialist traps beneath the floor. Alongside proofing being carried out to the air brick at the appropriate time the infestation was cleared and the property now rodent free.

Cluster fly treatment in Trowbridge - 22nd March 2022

A customer contacted Pestforce Pest Control Trowbridge after finding lots of flies in the upper bedrooms of their home. We attended and established that there was a cluster fly infestation within the loft and the warm sun had awoken the flies from hibernation and they were now making their way outside. An Ultra Low Volume mist treatment was conducted and within an hour the treatment was complete. The customer saw an instant reduction in flies and was happy with the process and outcome. 

Squirrels getting into home via lose roof tile in Trowbridge - 16th March 2022

Pestforce Pest Control Trowbridge were contacted by a customer after they had seen squirrels popping in and out from their loft via a lose roof tile. We attended and discovered a squirrel infestation within the loft. The customer was happy for a treatment to take place and with the use of highly efficient traps the infestation was removed over a period of three weeks. 

Cluster fly treatment in Trowbridge - 9th March 2022

Pestforce Pest Control Trowbridge were called out after a local resident found lots of flies in the upper bedrooms of their home. We attended and established that there was a cluster fly infestation within the loft and the warm sun had awoken the flies from hibernation and they were now making their way outside. An Ultra Low Volume mist treatment was conducted and within an hour the treatment was complete. The customer saw an instant reduction in flies and was happy with the process and outcome.

Spray treatment to clear property of carpet moths in Frome - 2nd March 2022

A customer contacted Pestforce Pest Control Trowbridge after finding what they described as grains of rice on a board area of the living room carpet. We attended and carried out the survey which identified an infestation of carpet moth bedded within the carpet. Luckily the infestation had not spread to other areas of the property and was limited to just the living room. A treatment plan was created taking into account the customers pets which could’ve been negatively affected by the introduction of insecticide into the property. Once plans have been made for the customers pets to be away from the property for 24 hours the treatment plan was put into action and a surface spray was conducted in the affected rooms. Hey secondary treatment was then carried out for weeks later to ensure full eradication of the best. Monitoring was put in place to allow the customer to see that the treatment has worked and after a period of six weeks there have been no new sightings or damage is consistent with this species found.

Rats in compost bin in Trowbridge - 24th February 2022

Pestforce Pest Control Trowbridge were contacted after a customer had found holes in their compost heap and suspecting rats asked us to carry out a survey. As expected a rat colony was found to be taking harbourage in their compost bin all the while enjoying the numerous bird feeders at meal times. An external treatment plan was devised and the relevant Environmental Risk Assesments carried to to ensure no their wildlife was put at risk. Within three visits the problem was cleared and advice given regarding how to feed the birds while reducing the risk of encouraging rodents into the space. 

Saving trapped bird in Trowbridge - 4th February 2022

Pestforce Trowbridge were contacted after a customer heard fluttering in their loft. We attended and carried out a survey which quickly identified a trapped song bird. The bird was safely and carefully caught and then released back into the wild. 

Scratching in ceiling in Warminster calls for rodent control - 24th January 2022

Pestforce Pest Control Trowbridge contacted after a customer repeatedly heard scratching noises from within the ceiling void of their the newly extended kitchen in Warminster. We attended and carried out a free survey which included parts of the drainage system due to the nature of the infestation. It was concluded that the property was suffering with an infestation of rats which unfortunately has gained access directly from the sewer. We were able to put the customer in contact with a reliable drainage company who carried out the survey and discovered an uncapped redundant pipe. Before the repairs to be carried out a treatment was put in place to ensure that the rodents weren't trapped inside as they were cause considerable damage making their way back out potentially into the body of the property. Once the treatment was complete the drainage company were able to apply a bung remotely into the pipe which prevented any more access by any rodent directly from the sewer.

Fly spray treatment in Trowbridge - 1st December 2021

Pestforce Pest Control Trowbridge was contacted by a customer who was finding hundreds of flies in the windows of their upper bedrooms. We attended an offer a free service tablet that a cluster fly in the station was bedded within the loft space of the property. This infestation was considerable with many thousands of flies visible in clusters within the loft above. An ultra low volume mistreatment was applied to the loft space and after several hours when the buzzing died down the infestation was cleared. Many flies during the treatment had managed to get out of the space and could be seen filling the gutters of the property as they came out from underneath the tiles. Treatment such as this prevent the same infestation is exhibiting strongly in the spring.

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Please find below a list of the areas that Pestforce Trowbridge covers.

If you do not find your area listed, please call on 01225 285 091 as I still may be able to help, or may know a more local pest controller.

Locations Covered

Frome, Trowbridge, Warminster, Westbury

Postcodes Covered

BA11, BA12, BA13, BA14

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